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20 for 20. My 20 Goals & Plans for 2020 + A Giveaway

20 Goals for 2020

I’d like to say “I can’t believe we’re already halfway through January” but that’s not true. I can’t believe we’re only 2 weeks into January. I know the calendar says there are only 31 days in Jan, but I swear it’s the looooongest month. Anyways, to pass the time, I’m getting over my whole “not setting goals” perspective (because that didn’t work for me) and compiling my 20 goals for 2020. Original, I know. If I’m being honest, I really wrote this whole post to keep myself accountable for one goal in particular. I figured, if I tell you I’m going to do it, I better follow through and do it. If i keep the ideas/ goals to myself, then it’s easy for me to shut them down or fill myself with doubt. I’ve broken down my 20 goals for 2020 into two parts: personal & business. So here it goes. Here are my 20 goals for 2020.

Personal Goals

  1. Plan and take a family vacation.

    Wes and I are pretty terrible at taking time off and traveling together. We make time for weddings and other trips, but we don’t take too many trips just for us. Now that Wally is getting older, I want to be sure we have those family vacations to look back on the way we did when we were kids.

  2. Get back to a regular exercise schedule.

    Mommin’ ain’t easy and it has been kicking this mama’s butt. I’ve tried taking classes and working out at different times during the day and have finally settled on early AM.

  3. Try Yoga.

    If you’ve been watching my stories lately, you know I’ve already made good on this one. I tried an intermediate flow class that was way harder than I thought it was going to be and am signed up for two more classes this week. My plan is to find 1-2 classes I like and mix them into my regular weight training and cardio workouts.

  4. Disconnect more.
    I’ve been “trying” to do this for a while now, but haven’t been good at it at all. I’m working on an action plan for this but thinking of setting a cut-off time for phone / computer usage & work.
  5. Read more year-round.

    I love to read and go through about 5 books each Summer. Sadly, if I’m not by the pool or on vacation, I have no time to read. I’m going to try and be better about keeping a book with me so I can read while I’m waiting or even getting my nails done instead of scrolling IG.

    What are your book recs? I have a few on my stack to read but always looking for new ones.


    20 Goals for 2020

    20 Goals for 2020 

  6. Finish those pesky small projects around the house.

    The list is a mile long. That’s all I’ll say about that.

  7. Host a dinner party for friends.
    I love parties and entertaining but the best events are the ones with friends. We don’t have our friends over enough and I’m hoping to change that this year. Also- throwing a good dinner party is a lost art. It needs to be revived.Who wants to come over for dinner?
  8. Plant a garden.

    One of my dreams for our new house was to have a huge flower and vegetable garden. I love having fresh flowers and am dying to have seasonal blooms on rotation. I’m really hoping I can make time to pick the spot and plant the seeds this year.

  9. Take more me-time.

    I always said I wouldn’t allow mamahood to turn me into a person who neglects herself. Well, shocker, I did. I love taking care of my boy and my husband but I’ve let got a lot of things I truly enjoy and that make me fulfilled. I feel guilty when I take time for myself or ask someone to watch Wally for me to do that. It’s never excessive and my family is always ok with it but I still carry so much guilt. This is the year to get my balance back. Less stress, more fun.

    What do you do for relaxation/ me-time?

  10. Become a better / more creative cook.

    I am not a bad cook. I’m actually really good at following instructions and recipes. I’m just not creative in the kitchen the way I am with other things like, say, fashion. Too often we get in ruts with our dinner meals and I really want to change that up this year. I’m getting a few new cookbooks and am going to start making random dishes from them. If I’m lucky, the family will have new and exciting things to eat and I’ll have fun making something different.

    Are there any great cookbooks I should get? What are your favorites?

Blog & Professional Goals

  1. Create more newsletter /  email subscription content.

    The goal of Reese’s Hardwear is to constantly provide value and meaningful content for you, my audience. I’m currently working on new emails, formats, and freebies that constantly give you the very best and serve as a resource for your fashion & lifestyle needs.

  2. Send the newsletter letter once it’s created.

    I don’t send too many updates right now, but once I get organized and stuff, I’ll be putting together a schedule for emails. If you haven’t signed up for it, you can do it below (scroll past comments).

  3. Do more #bloggersplanaparty posts.

    You know how I love events and entertaining! Of course, I had to bring it to the blog. Last year I partnered with some girlfriends to plan different types of events. My favorites were the summer fiesta and the Spring brunch.

    What types of events should we do this year? Anything goes!

  4. Get more organized.

    I love lists and have tons of them all in different notebooks or on my phone. This year, I’m getting them all in one place.

  5. Set 3 achievable to-dos or goals for each day.

    I have very long to-do lists all that never seem to get shorter. I’m hoping if I break out three items to scratch off per day, I will start making progress.

    20 Goals for 2020

    20 Goals for 2020

  6. Hit 25,000 followers on Instagram.

    Please, tell your friends. Sharing is caring & I’d appreciate the help 🙂

  7. Create more home content + share more room reveals.

    Last year I shared our guest room reveal and it was one of my favorite posts. Seeing how much you guys love home decor and interior design made me so happy and excited to share more. I’ll definitely be doing that this year.

    Are there any topics or rooms you’d like me to cover first?

  8. Attend a conference.

    A few years ago I attended The Blog Societies conference and had the best time. I met some great new friends and learned so much. Plus, being in a room of so many creatives left me feeling encouraged and inspired. I love the growth and the content that came from that weekend and am looking for a conference to attend this year.

    What conferences should I attend? Have you been to any that were exceptional?

  9. Attend NYFW.

    This has always been on my list of dream things to do. I’ve put a lot of pressure and limits on myself that have made me think I’m too small, not good enough or not glamorous enough to go. This year I’m trying to change that. I’m doing research and planning now to hopefully attend one of the 2 major fashion weeks in New York.

  10. Start a Podcast.

    Yup, I said it.

    My big dream goal for this year is to start a podcast.

    The last and final of my 20 goals for 2020 is my strong passion to start a podcast. I’ve been wanting to do it for so many years now but didn’t have a topic/ vision for it until late last year. I can’t say much about it yet, but I’m hoping that by putting this one out in the blog world and universe, that y’all will keep me accountable and push me to achieve this dream. I’ll definitely be sharing more in the coming weeks and months.

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20 Goals for 2020

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